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Gears of War 4 Split Screen Black Bars

Whats with the VERY ANNOYING new version of splitscreen co-op these days?Example= RE5/COD:WOW/R2

  • Thread starter litobird
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  • #1
I remember Resistance 1 had the option of vertical or horizontal and it would be the entire screen and I actually preferred the vertial split. THen for Army of Two, it was horizontal but it was still the whole screen.Now with R2, the screen is split horizontally but you have black bars on the sides so i have this big tv with these annoying bars and small splitscreen. Then for COD:WOW its horizontal split but im off to the right with a big fill in of crap on the rite and the 2nd player is off to the right of the screen with a fill in of crap on the left side. Now finally I play RE5 co-op split and its the same as COD: world at war but with black bar on my right and black bar on my left. Its a biggg difference from having the entire top half for you instead of a little more than half. Whats up with this? SO having a widescreen tv is now a negative thing? Why was R1 and Army of Two ok with splitting the screen all the way? is there a big explanation for this? I even played Gears of War 2 and that is split all the way thru, no black bars so WTF IS UP WITH THAT?
  • #2
It probably has more to do with how much has to get rendered than anything, they probably cut the image for a better framerate.

It annoyed the **** out of me with Resistance 2. I prefer splitscreen vertical far more than horizontal when playing on a widescreen TV, and instead I had this squished horizontal image.

  • #3
It probably has more to do with how much has to get rendered than anything, they probably cut the image for a better framerate.

It annoyed the **** out of me with Resistance 2. I prefer splitscreen vertical far more than horizontal when playing on a widescreen TV, and instead I had this squished horizontal image.

i dont see how rendering and framerate have to do with cutting off huge chunk of ur tv for a smaller freakin splitscreen screen. cant they just stretch it out, there has to be an excuse, if Gears of war can do it, i dont see why cod and r2 and re5 cant. Is it the same exact thing on the 360 as far as COD:wow and RE5 is conccerned? Because if this is a ps3 thing i will go BERZERK
  • #4
I did read an explanation for this, I just can't really remember what it is. It wasn't to do with rendering, because in the case of R2, changing the split to vertical uses your whole screen, whereas horizontal gives you black bars (as stated). It was something to do with keeping the aspect ratio constant I think.
  • #5
I did read an explanation for this, I just can't really remember what it is. It wasn't to do with rendering, because in the case of R2, changing the split to vertical uses your whole screen, whereas horizontal gives you black bars (as stated). It was something to do with keeping the aspect ratio constant I think.
and if aspect ratio is the case. WHY NOW? why not before? why now with all these even greater games? with the screen being so small i cant even get into it. cod5 i had to squint cause it was so retardedly small.
  • #6
Does anyone honestly... HONESTLY... think this


or this


is more playable than this?


(Sorry for the cheap MS Paint effort... but dear lord everyone should get my point.)

  • #7
like i said if r1,army of two, gears of war can split it full screen correctly, why cant r2,cod:wow, and re5 do it? and yea re5 is 3rd person but so is army of two and gears and they were just fine in split. and cod and r2 are FIRST PERSON and they still split it the tiny way. I dont think your comparison shots are correct.
  • #8
like i said if r1,army of two, gears of war can split it full screen correctly, why cant r2,cod:wow, and re5 do it? and yea re5 is 3rd person but so is army of two and gears and they were just fine in split. and cod and r2 are FIRST PERSON and they still split it the tiny way. I dont think your comparison shots are correct.
It's all about maintaining aspect ratio... making sure that narrowing or widening the viewing pane for each player doesn't cause a decrease, or even an increase, in viewing area. And I feel that it is the best way to do it. I believe Halo 3 also does the same for 2 player split, which was the first game I noticed doing it (same method as Resistance 2).

Motorstorm PR does full screen split for 2 players, and gives the option to use either vertical or horizontal. Both end up feeling restricted to the player during fast action (personally I prefer the vertical split, even with the restricted side views).

I feel that these games being discussed are truely doing multiplayer "split" screen correctly for the very first time.

Edit: It is also worthy to note the large roll that 4:3 SDTVs still play in this as well... On such a TV, 2-way horizontal split would give each player the aspect ratio that most wide screen HDTVs have... The layouts of Halo 3 and Resistance 2 (with black area on the sides only) would match this screen size perfectly. Also, other games such as RE5 who do top left / bottom right would place them directly on top of one another... And I can guarantee that RE5 must use a widescreen aspect ratio even in single player on 4:3 TVs (with black bars on top and bottom) just as RE4 did. So again, on such TVs, all split screen play of these games would be divided horizontally and would be 100% natural.

But HDTVs allow much more area to work with, and are typically much larger than SDTVs to the player... so they can now do these "proper" multiplayer layouts correctly.

  • #9
COD:WAW split screen is just right.


  • #10
Does anyone honestly... HONESTLY... think this


or this


is more playable than this?


(Sorry for the cheap MS Paint effort... but dear lord everyone should get my point.)


The 3rd images are wayyyyy too small.

  • #11
I dont care about maintaing aspect ratio or whatever. Just stretch it out a bit...I mean the game is meant for one screen anyway, we already know playing split screen has its minor disadvantage.
  • #12
pshh.. i used to play 4 player goldeneye on a 20" tv.

you kids are spoiled these days.

  • #13
HDTVs allow much more area to work with, and are typically much larger than SDTVs to the player... so they can now do these "proper" multiplayer layouts correctly.
Unless you have a 60" TV it's a pain to try and see what you're doing in a game if they keep the aspect ratio. I don't care if I'm not getting the whole picture because I want to see what the bloody hell I'm doing in the game. I'd much more prefer a limited view of my surroundings than squint.

Think about it, by keeping the aspect ratio they're cutting the image size by half. A 40" TV that generally looks great from 10 feet away is suddenly a 20" TV, and 20" widescreen TV's are like playing on a ****ing 16" TV with a 4:3 aspect ratio. DO YOU REMEMBER HOW ****ING SMALL 16" TV's are?

To put it in perspective, if you play PC games on a 17" 4:3 monitor or a 20" 16:9 monitor, try sitting 10 feet away and play the game, it's impossible to see anything. This isn't the N64 era when cutting viewing area by half didn't matter because environments were so bland it was still easy to see your opponent in Goldeneye, this is the HD era where details you need to be able to see matter. When I played Resistance 2 co-op with my friend on a 46" TV, we both had difficulties seeing the enemy.

  • #14
The RE5 method of split is PERFECT for my 40" TV. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • #15
Ironically, I just saw CoD:WaW for the first time at lunch since people were playing it in the break room. I saw how they do 2-player split on a SDTV and they still use black area in the top-right and bottom-left corners (mind you, I am sure it is much less). Pretty suprising. I guess they REALLY wanted to ensure the exact ratio.

Well regardless, I see where most people are coming from. Motorstorm[face_tongue]R, for instance, is down right unplayable on 4-player split even on a very large TV... (however that may be a product of intense pop-in which is necessary).

  • #16
Ironically, I just saw CoD:WaW for the first time at lunch since people were playing it in the break room. I saw how they do 2-player split on a SDTV and they still use black area in the top-right and bottom-left corners (mind you, I am sure it is much less). Pretty suprising. I guess they REALLY wanted to ensure the exact ratio.
wow even on a sdtv? u gotta be kidding me, thats it, this is unacceptable. i want full screen 2 player splitscreen NOWWWW
  • #17
Yeah, it's on my damn nerves to be honest
  • #18
Because if this is a ps3 thing i will go BERZERK
I like how you try to blame the PS3 for this. Didnt Halo 3 have vertical black bars on the sides to get the proper aspect ratio when pleying two player?
  • #19
Because if this is a ps3 thing i will go BERZERK
I like how you try to blame the PS3 for this. Didnt Halo 3 have vertical black bars on the sides to get the proper aspect ratio when pleying two player?
i'm not blaming nor trying to blame the ps3 for it. I dont have xbox, dont like xbox,never will like xbox, so I wanted to know from xbox players wit the same games if they get the same experience, and if by chance it was only on ps3, i would go nutz. i said that comment before someone posted the halo 3 comment.
  • #20
If its horizontal its too wide and you lose vertical perspective.

And the vertical screen cut is way too sacrificial. You lose a LOT of your viewpoint.

Halo 3 was the first game where I experienced the new split screen where its horizontal but not so wide that you lose your view point. It just cuts the screen in half and we are playing on 2 30" rather than 1 60" HDTV.

  • #21
Because if this is a ps3 thing i will go BERZERK
I like how you try to blame the PS3 for this. Didnt Halo 3 have vertical black bars on the sides to get the proper aspect ratio when pleying two player?
i'm not blaming nor trying to blame the ps3 for it. I dont have xbox, dont like xbox,never will like xbox, so I wanted to know from xbox players wit the same games if they get the same experience, and if by chance it was only on ps3, i would go nutz. i said that comment before someone posted the halo 3 comment.[/quote


you're missing out on so much.

  • #22
Ironically, I just saw CoD:WaW for the first time at lunch since people were playing it in the break room. I saw how they do 2-player split on a SDTV and they still use black area in the top-right and bottom-left corners (mind you, I am sure it is much less). Pretty suprising. I guess they REALLY wanted to ensure the exact ratio.
wow even on a sdtv? u gotta be kidding me, thats it, this is unacceptable. i want full screen 2 player splitscreen NOWWWW
My younger bro played his 360 version of WAW on an SDTV and it does the same thing. The black bars. I'm almost wanting to say L4D did it on his 360 too.
  • #23
Because if this is a ps3 thing i will go BERZERK
I like how you try to blame the PS3 for this. Didnt Halo 3 have vertical black bars on the sides to get the proper aspect ratio when pleying two player?
i'm not blaming nor trying to blame the ps3 for it. I dont have xbox, dont like xbox,never will like xbox, so I wanted to know from xbox players wit the same games if they get the same experience, and if by chance it was only on ps3, i would go nutz. i said that comment before someone posted the halo 3 comment.[/quote


you're missing out on so much.

i actually tried to like it, just coodnt


Lieutenant Douchebag
Oct 18, 2002
  • #24
Ironically, I just saw CoD:WaW for the first time at lunch since people were playing it in the break room. I saw how they do 2-player split on a SDTV and they still use black area in the top-right and bottom-left corners (mind you, I am sure it is much less). Pretty suprising. I guess they REALLY wanted to ensure the exact ratio.
wow even on a sdtv? u gotta be kidding me, thats it, this is unacceptable. i want full screen 2 player splitscreen NOWWWW
My younger bro played his 360 version of WAW on an SDTV and it does the same thing. The black bars. I'm almost wanting to say L4D did it on his 360 too.
L4D lets you play with vertical split screen. much better than any stupid black bar split. i dont care about the aspect ratio, i just want the biggest picture possible. i hate halo 3 split screen and codwaw split looks horrible too.
  • #25
Because if this is a ps3 thing i will go BERZERK
I like how you try to blame the PS3 for this. Didnt Halo 3 have vertical black bars on the sides to get the proper aspect ratio when pleying two player?
i'm not blaming nor trying to blame the ps3 for it. I dont have xbox, dont like xbox,never will like xbox, so I wanted to know from xbox players wit the same games if they get the same experience, and if by chance it was only on ps3, i would go nutz. i said that comment before someone posted the halo 3 comment.
Easy now... both consoles are split-screening these games the same way.

When I mentioned seeing CoD:WaW on an SDTV earlier, it was also the 360 version (didn't think it was worth mentioning at the time).

  • #26
If you are playing in 4:3 rather than 16:9 or 16:10 your good though, it does not have black bars.
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Gears of War 4 Split Screen Black Bars
